How It Works

How it Works

Enroll under a program of your choice

After enrollment you can now login to client dashboard with your registered credentials. Once you are in an initial client questionnaire, weight and measurement update is required.. This intake form is designed to understand more about your background, goals, needs, and limiting factors and to screen for any nutrition red flags before getting started!

Initial Consult with the Coach

Your questionnaire will be reviewed by your coach — yes, a real coach! Not some algorithm or template that tells you what and when to eat based on nothing more than your current weight, but a coach with real life coaching experience. Get on a call, pour your heart out and discuss all your concerns!

Receive your Custom Diet & Workout Plans

You will receive all your programs on the Client Dashboard. Once you get your entire essentials ready, get started with your plans and start logging your weekly updates so that we know what you are up to! The notifications will remind you about your diet & workouts and notify us as soon as you log it in!

Update your weekly progress for course correction

Upon completion of a week, you will be asked to send us your updates and after that we will get on a call and understand how your week went and what changes are needed going forward.

Receive Accountability, Support & Unlimited Access Throughout

What about the questions in between? We are available on Chat from client dashboard, Call, Facetime, Whatsapp & Instagram where you can reach out to us at all times.